In a world that makes us feel lesser than,
we were never meant to fit into a box. Lets outgrow it!
Our mission is to create a safer, accessible, empowering, and inclusive environment for clients (current and prospective) to move in ways that feel conducive to healing their relationship with their minds and bodies. We strive to establish a trusting connection with our clients so they can not only learn about and feel re-connected with their bodies, but to also feel free from toxic, unrealistic standards set upon us from the fitness and diet industry. Creating a focus on your overall well being (physical, mental, and emotional) is the goal for each class and helping to create community with like minded folks.
Mission Statement

Community Values
Your worth is not determined by how much you weigh. There are far more interesting things about you than the way your body looks. We will never discuss losing/gaining weight and we practice/advocate for body trust, body neutrality, and weight inclusivity.
Our training sessions reflect what you are needing that day, while also being inline with your goals. To us, personal training should be more than how much you can lift, and rather how you are feeling that day. How can we help you feel your feelings and create a safe, inclusive environment to allow yourself an important moment to be with yourself through healing movement (whether that is stretching, lifting weights, or just shooting the shit with opportunistic movements).
The fitness and diet industry has harmfully become a breeding ground for self doubt and extreme guilt, especially for marginalized communities. Therefore, if you are feeling guilt for not following a home routine or not being able to move as much as you would like to that week, we will remind you that this feeling of guilt is something we have learned over the years whenever we have strayed from a fitness program or diet (we are anti-diet culture), and that we can break this suffocating feeling by breaking this toxic cycle together.
Your voice matters so let’s amplify it. If you don’t like something about your service/class or even what our Hadley, Massachusetts company could be better at, let us know! While we will continue to educate ourselves on being better advocates and supporting marginalized communities, we want to learn and grow so we can continue to be a safe space for everyone. Your personal training sessions should feel safe and educational and if you feel otherwise, please never hesitate to let us know.
We believe that movement should be conducive to healing your relationship with your body (breaking the manipulative exercise cycle) while also being reflective of your day-to-day living. We will always make sure that any program we create together is not only reflective of the personal health goals you have, but also allows you to make changes as needed for those unexpected daily occurrences.
Your personal training sessions will always be a safe space to be yourself. In a world that feeds off of diminishing marginalized communities of people (LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, Disabled to name some), you will never feel lesser than and be treated as equals. While the fight is still ongoing for basic human rights for these communities, you will never need to prove your worth in my business. You are enough and your feelings are valid.
We will never discuss nutritional guidance or diets. Not only is that not in our scope of practice, it is most importantly a breeding ground for further toxic manipulation of your body. Eating disorders, disordered eating and fitness, and body dysmorphia (to name a few) feed off of our relationship with food. If we approach foods as good/bad, can/cannot eat, too many calories/need to burn them off, the diet industry wins and your mental, physical, and emotional health suffers. As someone who is recovering/healing from the above mentioned, I’m not okay with that.